Авторы Название
Alexander V. Dvorkovich Development Trends and International Standardization of Broadcasting Service
Igor Kostromin, Peter Kurapov, Dmitry Pogibelskiy Power Analysis: Simplified Template Attack on Exclusive Disjunction Operation
Nina I. Pilipchuk Cardinality of Subspace Multicomponent Codes
Marina Samokhina, Oksana Trushina Code-Based Cryptosystems Evolution
Mikhail A. Borodin, Andrey S. Rybkin, Alexey V. Urivskiy. On Conditional Probabilities of Output Sequences for Permutation-Based PRNGs
Ernst M. Gabidulin New Rank Codes with Efficient Decoding
Irina Kuzmenko, Nikolay Chervyakov, Yuriy Kocherov, Dmitriy Samoylenko Modification of the Scheme of Division of Asmuth Bloom Data with the Application of the Method of Fractal Geometry
Evgeny Khorov, Anton Kiryanov, Nikolay Zhirnov SAND-inspired Cross-layer Approach for CCTV in 5G Networks
Kirill S. Bystrov, Alexander V. Dvorkovich, Gennady Yu. Gryzov, Viktor P. Dvorkovich Wavelet-Based Videocoding: Modern Implementations and Prospects of Coding Efficiency Increase
Yu.A. Ushakov, P.N. Polezhaev, A.E. Shukhman, L.V. Legashev, N.F. Bakhareva Simulation of a Corporate Network Based on Software-Defined Infrastructure and Network Function Virtualization
Danil Yatski, Ivan Kalinov Principles of Solving the Space Monitoring Problem by Multirotors Swarm
Van-Nghia Tran, Hai-Nam Le Reconfigurable Complex Filtering Methods for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals with Low Computational Complexity
Alexander A. Losev LINC Efficiency Improvement for Multichannel Signal Amplification
Fedor I. Ivanov, Pavel S. Rybin On the Nested Family of LDPC Codes Based on Golomb Rulers
Alexey S. Borozdin, Yuriy O. Myakochin Decoding of DMR-Standard Block Codes on the 1967BH034 Processor *
Andrey S. Zadorozhnyy Analysis of 1D-Periodic Phased Array of Flanged Rectangular Waveguides
Elizaveta S. Nekrasova, Sergei P. Skobelev A Modification of the Hybrid Projection Method for Electrodynamical Analysis of Inhomogeneous Dielectric Cylinder with Arbitrary Cross Section
Artem A. Kopylov, Evgeny G. Parinov, Igor V Zimin, Gennady P. Kobelkov Design and Research of the Algorithms for Recognition of Axisymmetric Radar Objects on the Basis of Polarization Signs
Gennady P. Bendersky, Andrey N. Kleymenov, Yanko I. Malashko, Evgeniy M. Khmelnintskiy The Methods of Solving Tasks Measuring Characteristics of the Laser Beam Radiations Using Quadra Copter
Dmitry I. Ushakov, Ivan A. Starovoit Method Forming Signals for High-Speed Radio Access Systems
Evgeni Bikov, Dmitri Botvich Smart Concurrent Learning Scheme for 5G Network: QoS-Aware Radio Resource Allocation
Mariy A.Murzova, Vladimir E.Farber The α-β Filter for Tracking Maneuvering Objects with LFM Waveforms
Evgeny A.Yulyugin Accelerating Simulation of Complicated Future Processor Extension with Microcode Assist
David Peña, Andrei Tchernykh, Gleb Radchenko, Sergio Nesmachnow, Judith Ley-Flores, Roberto Nazariega Multiobjective Optimization of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Enhancing the Quality of Service for Urban Public Transport Timetabling
Jorge M. Cortés-Mendoza, Andrei Tchernykh, Gleb Radchenko, Alexander Yu. Drozdov RoC Prediction for Bi-Objective Cost-QoS Optimization of Cloud VoIP Call Allocations
Roman A. Gorbachev Architecting Automated Control System of Above Ground Transport System of H-BAHN Type
Sergey A. Petrenko, Dmitry D. Stupin Assignment of Semantics Calculations in Invariants of Similarity
Alexander Yu. Tychkov, Alan K. Alimuradov, Alexey V. Ageykin, Pyotr P. Churakov, Anna N. Tychkova, Valerii N. Gorbunov, Galina V.Vishnevskaya EEG Analysis Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition for Detection of Mental Activity
Konstantin S. Isupov, Vladimir Knyazkov, Alexander S Kuvaev Fast Power-of-Two RNS Scaling Algorithm for Large Dynamic Ranges
Sergey N. Danilin, Sergey A. Shchanikov, Aleksandr E. Sakulin  Algorithm for Determining Optimum Operation Tolerances of Memristor-Based Artificial Neural Networks
Evgeni M. Portnov, Vitaliy V. Kokin, Kyaw Zin Lin, Aung Kyaw Myo Method for Detection of Failures in Complex Process Control Systems
Nguyen Quang Thuong A Statistical Construction of Lyapunov Function in the Problems for Setting Stability of a Controlled Dynamical System
Natalia V. Listova, Vladimir V. Fedorenko, Vladimir V. Samoylenko, Irina V. Samoylenko Markov’s Model of the Different-Priority Traffic Routing Control In a Sensor Node
Мarina Kudinova, Рavel Emelyanov Building Mathematical Model for Restoring Processes Tree during Container Live Migration